What is the difference between Interiors and Interiors Professional ?
- Interiors professional is built-in modeling tools, high end renderer, edit wall and edit vertex tools.
- Full list of differences can be found at the link below.
How do I create a perfect mirror surface using the RayShade Renderer ?
- To create a perfect mirror surface using the RayShade Renderer set the Surface Color to Black, the Gloss Color to white and the Matt / Mirror slider to 100%.
How do I create a perfect refelctive glass using the RayShade Renderer ?
To create perfect reflective glass set the Renderer Brightness to 50% (this can be altered depending on the lighting), the Opacity to 10% (Changed depending on the glass type) and the Matt / Mirror slider to 100%. Then you can set the Surface Color to Black (RGB: 0, 0, 0) and the Gloss Color to Dark Grey (RGB: 50, 50, 50). The Gloss Color can be changed depending on how reflective you want the glass, the closer the Gloss Color is to white the more reflective the surface will be.
How do I put a logo on a wall?
The easiest way to do this is to put a very thin useful shape on the wall and then apply the logo to that.
You can use this technique to apply different flooring and split level wall textures where the top half is painted and the bottom half is tilled, etc.
How do I create an outdoor Scenery?
You can just drag a picture onto the background